Bullets, Babes, and Backlashes: Duke Nukem Versus Nintendo of America
This in-depth back-and-forth Q&A with former Eurocom artist and designer Nick Dry reveals Duke Nukem 64’s controversial development history.
NBA Jam‘s script writer and sole audio producer comes clean on the dirty in-house version.
Interview with Zelda’s Adventure (Philips CD-i) Model and Prosthetic Maker Jason Bakutis
Hollywood special effects guru Jason Bakutis talked to the site about his role in the ambitious and notorious Zelda’s Adventure for the Philips CD-i. He also shared several behind-the-scene photos of the game’s monsters and miniature sets.
Interview with Steve Wik of Running With Scissors
Steve Wik of Running With Scissors, the makers of the controversial Postal series, sat down to discuss the unreleased Super Nintendo game Steven Seagal is The Final Option. Steve was closely attached to the project, and he has a great sense of humor about it all.
Former Disney Game Producer Talks Capcom, Disneyland, Salad
Former Disney game producer Darlene Lacey spoke about her experiences of working on Adventures in the Magic Kingdom for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
The Practice of Loaning Out Previews, Review Copies, and Prototypes
Former newspaper columnist Brent Gustafson was kind enough to share some insight on the practice of video game companies loaning out pre-release copies of their upcoming titles to the press.
Turtle Kombat: How Vanilla Ice Almost Got Butt-Kicked by Johnny Cage
What do an ancient clan of ninjas, Vanilla Ice, and Mortal Kombat have in common? Why, the Ninja Turtles, of course!
Interview with Hirohiko Takayama (Game Composer)
The game composer of Friday the 13th, Xexyz, and many other Nintendo Entertainment System and Family Computer titles has honored the site with an exclusive interview just in time for Halloween.
Interview with Gregg Tavares (M.C. Kids Lead Programmer)
Read about the trials and tribulations of a former Nintendo Entertainment System game developer.
Interview with Karim Miteff (Co-Creator of Nick Arcade)
Nick Arcade co-creator Karim Miteff answered a few questions on what happened to the set after the beloved ’90s game show ended.
Interview with the Creators of The Great Gatsby Game
A Nintendo Entertainment System-inspired game based on the masterful American classic The Great Gatsby? Maybe there’s still hope yet for a Catcher in the Rye baseball video game! Learn more about this exciting release in the site’s interview with the game’s creators.